If at first you don’t succeed… swing the sword harder

By Jesse on March 26, 2009

In terms of wine-related theatrics, le saberage — opening a bottle of sparkling wine by using a sword — is only slightly less dangerous than grape stomping. But if there’s one thing the Young Winos don’t fear after already drinking a bottle of Prosecco and a bottle of Cava, it’s danger. In our fourth webisode for EgoTV, Chelsea and I demonstrate several ways of opening Champagne bottles, including the infamous saberage.

I was misled into thinking that a slight tap was all that was needed to shear off the top of a bottle, but you actually want to put some force behind it. (Also, avoid the Schloss Biebrich Sekt, or any other sparkling wine that uses an artificial closure, as they’re not as compatible with the ancient methods.)

1 Comment

  1. WOW i like it

    Comment by eva — March 30, 2009 @ 8:03 am

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