The Winos get some love on the Sacre Blog
Sacre Bleu is a new brand of French wines, grown and produced in the Languedoc, and marketed in the US via glossy ad campaigns and strategic partnerships (fashion shows, music venues, etc.). FineWhineBlog is the latest weapon in founder Galen Struwe‘s millennial-oriented marketing blitzkrieg, and the Young Winos were pleased to merit inclusion in one of the early entries, authored by Struwe’s stepdaughter Ashley Lauren (read her other posts here). As of right now, the Winos piece is the fourth-most popular on the blog — trailing only such luminaries as Mutineer Magazine, Gary Vaynerchuk, and the SXSW conference. Not too shabby, huh?
Ashley hits the Winos nail right on the head in calling us “a group of seriously curious and devout wine drinkers who frankly don’t give a shit that the name might have some negative connotations” (although she might rethink her claim that I’m an “intrepid businessman / oenophile” if she got a look at the Winos’ balance sheet).
On the surface, the Winos’ M.O. might not seem to have a whole lot in common with that of Sacre Bleu: their message concerns itself largely with the “lifestyle” and other intangibles, while the Winos always attempt to keep our focus singularly on the juice (Galen and I actually had a something of a back-and-forth on this very subject in the comment section of a Katie Pizzuto post last October). Ashley manages to find some common ground, however, in pointing out that the Winos “care that [wine’s] history is felt, and they want people coming to wine for the first time to have a sense that real life-affirming experiences are about to happen upon them and through them.” Far be it from us to deny that wine is as much a positive lifestyle influence as it is an intoxicating beverage; that’s one point to which Sacre Bleu and the Winos can certainly raise a glass in affirmation.
Now, if we could only get them to send us some bottles to review, we’d be in business!
Several more titillating wine ads below…
Minus the tattoo, the girl in the white looks remarkably like a former girlfriend of mine. If she got to try Sacre Bleu before me, I’ll be jealous. (Or maybe I’ll just be jealous that she’s dancing with those other two drunk girls and I’m not.)
The Young Winos of LA — edutoxicating Los Angeles since 2005.
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Hey Jesse…thanks for the link. Funny thing is, I’m still waiting for some samples to review as well! I’ve yet to taste their wines, and now that they’re coming out with a Tetra Pak I’m even more curious!
Comment by Katie Pizzuto — March 27, 2009 @ 5:44 am
I wonder if the tetra-pak version still gets the svelte models in the print ads, or if they have to settle for some kind of substitute, since a tetra-pak isn’t quite as sexy as a bottle. Maybe a chubby little kid wearing “swimmies” or something?
Comment by Jesse — March 31, 2009 @ 12:36 am
LOL! I’m thinking the overweight guy at the beach who wears the grape smugglers might be a good model 🙂
Comment by Katie Pizzuto — March 31, 2009 @ 5:26 am