Punxsutawney Porter sees his mistake; morning will arrive early

By Jesse on February 2, 2009

Resident boozehog Punxsutawney Porter rolled over in his bed this morning at about 7:30 and saw the mistake he’d made the night before: deciding to finish that delicious bottle of Aglianico. According to old folklore, what this means is that his raging headache would not allow him to enjoy those crucial six extra hours of sleep that he so desperately wanted.

Despite its formidable ability to inspire regret, the 2006 Epicuro Aglianico (Beneventano, Italy) is a fantastic little number if used in moderation. With a bouquet of charcoal, earth and spice, and featuring a medium-bodied palate full of dark cherry and smokehouse notes, this bottle represents one of Trader Joe’s best values at $4.99. To listen to Jesse and Dylan taste the bottle live on only2degrees radio, click here (choose the 12/20/08 show, then hear us at the 54:00 mark).

1 Comment

  1. Jessie, thanks so much for stopping by! Ounce for ounce Epicuro really hits the QPR scale with some heft! The TJ’s down here in SD still has a few languishing on the shelves! Love that pix BTW! Funny!

    But for a similar experience, check out my post on Tormaresca 2007 NePriCa Red Blend! http://cuveecorner.blogspot.com/2009/03/tormaresca-2007-neprica-red-blend.html

    Comment by Bill Eyer — March 27, 2009 @ 7:39 am

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