Winos at a wedding, drinking wedding wine
The Winos may have thought they lost resident “swillistine” Don Ferlazzo when he moved back to New York State in December. But they truly lost him on a recent Saturday in Albany, when he exchanged nuptial vows with the former Jamie McGrath and became Mr. Don Ferlazzo.
Fortunately, the cameras were clicking that evening when Winos past and present indulged in blissfully unlimited quantities of wedding wine (and perhaps another spirit or twelve). Contained herein are the tasting notes from the first-ever entry in the Winos’ Wedding Series.
Max and I comprised the groom’s entire Los Angeles delegation, as former ‘lenos Joe and Theresa Marcello had recently moved to NYC. The classy ceremony took place in the beautiful Sacred Heart Church, a turn-of-the century structure replete with stained glass galore, perched on a bluff high above the bucolic Hudson River.
The LA crew shows up ready to party; oh yeah, first there’s a wedding to witness; try to spot all five current and former Young Winos of LA attendees (no, neither of the kids… they need another year or two before they can join)
The reception was pretty insane; you’d think that after a four-course meal, complete with vino a-plenty, no one would’ve had the energy to get up and dance maniacally to Love Shack and Uptown Girl, but evidently that was not the case.
I don’t know about this “wedding” Champagne; hmm, smells pretty good; oh yeah, that’s the stuff, keep it comin’
Despite our efforts to get him good and toasted, Don remained the consummate host all evening. Eventually we went out and hit the bars of Albany, which are vastly superior to the bars of LA in terms of price, friendliness, and approachability of attractive females — but vastly inferior in terms of letting obviously drunk wedding parties sing karaoke without calling the local police on us.
Don’s a happy man, Max is a drunk man; time to go out; by this point, switching back to wine would’ve been a terrible idea
Oh yeah, the tasting itself. To be honest, I didn’t even have anything to write on… plus, we were all really drunk. The wine was “fun,” lets just put it that way.
Don, you don’t have to smile in every picture; Max is apparently drinking a different wine; the happy couple
The Young Winos of LA — edutoxicating Los Angeles since 2005.
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