07/03/07 – our next trip (Napa/Sonoma whites)
I hope that by now everyone has engorged themselves on the veritable photographic feast that now exists on our website in the form of a new set of pictures from Paso Robles. There were even a couple that were just too aesthetically excellent, like a beautiful close-up of my nose, courtesy of drunk people owning cameras. That picture will be included in a special “drunk shots” album currently under construction.
This week we’ll be beginning our preparations for the big weekend trip to Napa/Sonoma that we’ve been talking about for years. The time has come to finally make that dream a reality. Among the questions that will be discussed are:
1. Are we going to Napa, to Sonoma, or to both?
2. Which weekend are we going to select?
3. Which wineries are we going to visit?
The last question is one that will perhaps be made easier to answer by finding some wines that we really like from Napa and Sonoma wineries. It’s always fun to visit a place whose wines you already enjoy.
This week, we’ll start with whites. Please bring any white wine from Napa or Sonoma . Remember, these are very prolific regions with a lot of specificity beyond just “Napa Valley” and “Sonoma County” — Sonoma includes Russian River, Dry Creek, Alexander Valley, Sonoma Valley, and Sonoma Mountain, while Napa includes Stag’s Leap, Rutherford, Spring Mountain, and more. Often wines made from a more particular AVA than just the blanket terms of Napa or Sonoma will allegedly display more interesting terroir. Don’t just grab the first bottle you see… get something that you know you like, or that looks particularly interesting, and be prepared to discuss why your vineyard of choice would make a good stop on our road trip.
Due to a below-average outpouring of responses to my request a host, we’ll be returning to the Young Winos’ fabled homeland, Sherman Oaks. Chill your very special and extremely unique bottle of Napa or Sonoma white, bring some tasting notes or a delightful anecdote, and we’ll see you on Tuesday night at 9:00.