11/08/05 – Pinot Gris

By Jesse on November 8, 2005


Tuesday night’s meeting marks a “wine group” first — our first gathering at a new location. Kia has been thoughtful enough to offer up his apartment, so we’ll be meeting in West LA (near Santa Monica), zipcode 90025. As always, please bring either a bottle of that evening’s vin du jour OR a few dollars for reimbursement. I’ll bring along our obnoxious textbooks, and Kia will do his best to scrounge up enough wine glasses for each raging lush that shows up.

Our grape this week is Pinot Gris, known as Pinot Gregio in Italy and as Rulander in Germany. I’m not terribly familiar with the grape, but from the brief readings that I’ve done so far, it seems like a grape with a lot of flavor variety depending on where in the world it was grown. Italian tastes different from Oregon-style, which tastes different from German, etc. It also probably depends a lot on the terroir (we discussed the concept of “terroir” last week, but for those who don’t know what it means by Tuesday evening, ten push-ups and a shot of Spahish port). If you’re interested in reading a nice short list of the various flavors of Pinot Gris associated with various regions in which it’s grown, check out the wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinot_gris

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Otherwise, see you all tomorrow night.
