07/07/10 – an Aussie evening with the Rob Gibson Wine Company
A representative of Barossa Valley’s Rob Gibson Wine Company is going to be pouring a lineup of Rob’s delicious Australian wines for the LA Winos on Wednesday evening. Rob Gibson’s portfolio includes both reds and whites from the Rob Gibson and the Loose End labels, including some of the big Shiraz-based wines that have put Barossa Valley on themap, with some Grenache and Cab and Petit Verdot thrown in there too. Check out more info about the Rob Gibson family of wines by clicking here.
Wednesday night’s tasting menu will feature:
–The 2007 Barossa FSR (Frontignac, Semilion, Riesling)
–The 2007 Loose End Barossa Grenache Rosé
–The 2004 Gibson BarossaVale Shiraz
–The 2005 Gibson “The Dirtman” Shiraz
–The 2006 Loose End Barossa GSM (Grenache, Shiraz, Merlot)
–The 2004 BarossaVale “Isabelle” Blend (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot)
Look at all those crazy blends! Grenache, Shiraz and Merlot? And wait — Semillon, Riesling and Frontignac?! (WTF is Frontignac? Are they just making up words now?) Needless to say, this is a tasting that any and all Australian fans won’t want to miss.
We’ll be meeting at 9pm at Nick’s place on the Santa Monica / West LA border. The RSVP system functions like this: if you want in, you click on this link and tell me so (don’t forget your full name, e-mail address, and a cute message conveying to me your intentions). Once you’ve gotten your confirmation e-mail, all you need to bring is a $5 bill to cover our costs.
Hope to see you there!